188 Utica Grocery Inc. is a company based at 8411 13Th Avenue, Brooklyn. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Kings county, under company number 3594839 on 11/16/2007, 17 years ago.
This business is, at present, being led by a director - Nader Zeidan from Brooklyn.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
This company is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs as a tobacco retail dealer located at 188, Utica Ave, Brooklyn, Ny (40° 40.35' N 73° 55.847' W). You can reach the company by calling 718-774-4520.
We gathered info about 15 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
02/25/2020 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Tobacco Retail Dealer | No Violation Issued |
02/10/2019 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Tobacco Retail Dealer | No Violation Issued |
07/11/2018 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Grocery-Retail - 808 | Pass |
08/03/2017 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
05/11/2017 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
05/11/2017 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Grocery-Retail - 808 | Pass |
03/10/2017 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
06/21/2016 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
03/15/2016 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Grocery-Retail - 808 | Pass |
03/15/2016 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
05/02/2015 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
01/11/2015 | Brooklyn 188 Utica Ave Brooklyn NY 11213 |
188 Utica Grocery Inc. | Cigarette Retail Dealer - 127 | No Violation Issued |
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