A & E Stores, Inc. is a business based at 1000 Huyler St, Teterboro. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under company number 256351 on March 14, 1973, 52 years ago.
That company is, at the moment, managed by a director - Alan A Ades from Teterboro.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
We provide you with info about 5 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections. A DCA inspection (industry: misc non-food retail) was done on July 10, 2018 - the result was "out of business". Then there was an inspection on September 14, 2017 (industry: wearing apparel) that ended with "a no violation issued" result. Finally, there was also an inspection on July 24, 2017 (industry: wearing apparel) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
09/14/2017 | Manhattan 2091 Broadway New York NY 10023 |
A & E Stores, Inc. | Wearing Apparel - 450 | No Violation Issued |
07/24/2017 | Manhattan 625 8th Ave New York NY 10018 |
A & E Stores, Inc | Wearing Apparel - 450 | No Violation Issued |
07/02/2015 | Queens 7124 Austin St Forest Hills NY 11375 |
A & E Stores, Inc. | Air Condtioning Law - 899 | No Violation Issued |
As far as we managed to find out, official records show that 33 trademarks filed on behalf of A & E Stores, Inc. can be found. A & E Stores, Inc. trademarks include: live/registered (registered) trademark filed on 2011-08-18 and registered on 2013-07-30. This trademark's identifying feature is "STRAWBERRY".
The second trademark is live/registered (registered) and is identified as "STRAWBERRY". It was filed on 2011-03-30 with a serial number 85281711 and registered on 2011-12-06. The third trademark filed by A & E Stores, Inc. on 2010-11-24 includes the identification "STRAWBERRY". It is live/registered (registered) trademark (serial number 85184794) registered on 2011-08-09. As stated in the latest trademark submission with a serial number 85401438, A & E Stores, Inc. can be reached at: Teterboro, NJ, 07608, located at: 1000 Huyler Street.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
08/18/2011 | Live/Registered | A & E Stores, Inc. | 1000 Huyler Street Teterboro, 07608 |
03/30/2011 | Live/Registered | A & E Stores Inc. | 1000 Huyler Street Teterboro, 07608 |
11/24/2010 | Live/Registered | A & E Stores, Inc. | 1000 Huyler Street Teterboro, 07608 |
07/20/2010 | Live/Registered | A & E Stores, Inc. | 1000 Huyler Street Teterboro, 07608 |
07/10/2008 | Live/Registered | A & E Stores Inc. | 1000 Huyler Street Teterboro, 07608 |
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