
Aah Construction Corp. company details

Type: Domestic Business Corporation
Aah Construction Corp.
DOS Process Name
21-77 31st Street,
DOS Process Address
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
Company's CEO
Jack Brucculeri
CEO Name
CEO City
New York
CEO State

Aah Construction Corp. is a business registered at 21-77 31St Street,, Astoria. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under company number 252905 on 02/01/73, 52 years ago.
This company is, at present, presided over by a director - Jack Brucculeri from Astoria.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Aah Construction Corp.

Moving on to the City of New York contracts awarded to this company, we should list: "reconstruction of comfort stations and facilities". This contract was categorized as "construction/construction services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed bids method by the Parks and Recreation agency. The contract started on 10/06/08, amounting to $3,000,000.00.
Then there is "reconstruction of a diving pool", chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 01/29/18. It was worth $4,361,535.00.
"Reconstruction of the steeple spire and bell tower and reconstruction of the roof and exterior woodwork", the final on this list was worth $3,871,394.00. It was chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 09/15/17.
As NYBizDb found, Aah Construction Corp. won 13 contracts from this NY City agency.

Aah Construction Corp. was also contracted by the Design and Construction. They completed 1 contract, such as: "installation of sidewalks, adjacent curbs and pedestrian ramps as necessary in various locations- borough of the bronx" (worth: $2,959,435.00).

Title Amount
Agency: Parks and Recreation
Reconstruction Of Comfort Stations And Facilities $3,000,000.00
Reconstruction Of A Diving Pool $4,361,535.00
Reconstruction Of The Steeple Spire And Bell Tower And Reconstruction Of The Roof And Exterior Woodwork $3,871,394.00
Reconstruction Of The Paths And Miscellaneous Site Work At The Aqueduct Walk $3,393,068.00
City Line Park Synthetic Turf Construction $4,087,828.00
Demolition Of Comfort Station / Construction Of Field House, Queensbridge Park $4,573,600.00
Reconstruction Of Esplanade And Construction Of Beach Access $4,396,202.00
Reconstruction Of A Nature Center $2,648,260.00
Reconstruction Of The Fountain Plaza $11,202,598.00
Reconstruction Of Paving, Fencing, Fountain And Planting $2,294,205.00
Construction Of A Comfort Station And Reconstruction Of The Playground $1,887,063.00
Construction Of A Park $2,587,793.00
Reconstruction Of Seward Park $4,878,656.00
Agency: Design and Construction
Installation Of Sidewalks, Adjacent Curbs And Pedestrian Ramps As Necessary In Various Locations- Borough Of The Bronx $2,959,435.00


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