Ad Parking Inc. is a company registered at 56 Veltri Lane, Yonkers. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Bronx county, under company number 4184041 on 01/04/2012, 13 years ago.
This business is, currently, presided over by a CEO - Zafar Majeed from Yonkers.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company is listed in the DCA database as a garage and is located at 331, E 132Nd St, Bronx, Ny (40° 48.362' N 73° 55.66' W). You can reach the company by calling (718)993-9003.
At NYBizDb, we gathered reports about 12 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections. A DCA inspection (industry: garage) was conducted on 02/20/2020 - the outcome was "out of business". Then there was also an inspection on 09/13/2019 (industry: garage) that ended with "a violation issued" result. And then there was an inspection on 02/11/2019 (industry: garage) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
02/11/2019 | Bronx 331 E 132nd St Bronx NY 10454 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Garage - 049 | No Violation Issued |
09/21/2017 | Bronx 331 E 132nd St Bronx NY 10454 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Parking Lot - 050 | No Violation Issued |
05/09/2016 | Bronx 1140 Tiffany St Bronx NY 10459 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Garage - 049 | No Violation Issued |
04/01/2016 | Bronx 1140 Tiffany St Bronx NY 10459 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Garage - 049 | No Violation Issued |
10/19/2015 | Bronx 601 Bergen Ave Bronx NY 10455 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Parking Lot - 050 | No Violation Issued |
09/22/2015 | Bronx 331 E 132nd St Bronx NY 10454 |
Ad Parking Inc. | Garage - 049 | No Violation Issued |
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