Alamo Capital is a business registered at 201 North Civic Drive, Suite 360, Walnut Creek. It was registered as a foreign business corporation in Albany county, under company number 4486697 on 11/13/2013, 11 years ago.
That company is, currently, supervised by Nancy Mullally from Walnut Creek.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Alamo Capital is a WBE certified business. Started on 08/28/1987, they can be located at 100 Park Avenue, 16Th Floor,10017 New York. The company can be contacted by phone at (212)880-6473, by fax at 2128806499 or by email at
Alamo Capital completed multiple contracts, including:
a contract for Client valued at $119 000,00 that included “Sole Underwriter for Special Tax Bonds”;
a contract for Client valued at $117 910,00 that included “Lease Revenue Bonds”;
a contract for Client valued at $100 000,00 that included “Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Agile Fund Solutions, LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Imaginarium, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Computers And Structures, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Mev, LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Paradigm Management Services, LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company