
Amerex Group, LLC company details

Type: Foreign Limited Liability Company
Amerex Group, LLC
DOS Process Name
512 7th Ave 9th Floor
DOS Process Address
New York
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York

Amerex Group, Llc is a company based at 512 7Th Ave, 9Th Floor, New York. It was set up as a foreign limited liability company in New York county, under company number 3299260 on December 30, 2005, 19 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.


As far as we know, the Patent and Trademark Office reports that 42 trademarks officially filed on behalf of Amerex Group, LLC can be found. Amerex Group, LLC trademarks include: live/pending (priority action mailed) trademark filed on 2017-04-18. This trademark's identifying feature is "RED CORAL EXCLUSIVE".
The second trademark is live/pending (publication/issue review complete) and is identified as "KIKO & MAX". It was filed on 2017-03-22 with a serial number 87381877. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Amerex Group, LLC on 2016-12-01 includes the identification "KIKO & MAX". It is live/pending (published for opposition) trademark (serial no 87253636). According to the latest trademark filing with a serial number 87415891, Amerex Group, LLC can be reached at: New York, NY, 10018, located at: 512 Seventh Avenue, 9Th Floor.

Filing date Status Company name Address Mark identification
04/18/2017 Live/Pending Amerex Group, LLC 512 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, 10018
03/22/2017 Live/Pending Amerex Group, LLC 512 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, 10018
12/01/2016 Live/Pending Amerex Group, LLC 512 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, 10018
03/09/2015 Dead/Abandoned Amerex Group, LLC 512 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, 10018
12/16/2013 Live/Registered Amerex Group, LLC 512 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, 10018


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