American Journal Of Nursing Company is a business located at 555 West 57Th Street, New York. It was set up as a foreign not-for-profit corporation in New York county, under DOS id number 2058504 on 08/19/96, 28 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to find out, USPTO data shows that 11 trademarks filed on behalf of American Journal Of Nursing Company can be found. American Journal Of Nursing Company trademarks include: dead/cancelled (cancelled - section 8) trademark filed on 1987-03-27 and registered on 1988-02-02.
The second trademark is dead/cancelled (cancelled - section 8). The trademark was filed on 1986-10-16 with a serial number 73625666 and registered on 1987-06-30. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by American Journal Of Nursing Company on 1985-05-20 includes the identification "GERIATRIC NURSING". It is dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) trademark (serial number 73538418). As stated in the last trademark submission with a serial number 73651740, American Journal Of Nursing Company can be contacted at: New York, NY, zip code - 10019, 555 West 57Th Street.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
03/27/1987 | Dead/Cancelled | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING COMPANY | 555 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK, 10019 |
10/16/1986 | Dead/Cancelled | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING COMPANY | 555 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK, 10019 |
05/20/1985 | Dead/Abandoned | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING COMPANY | 555 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK, 10019 |
11/21/1983 | Live/Registered | American Journal of Nursing Company | 555 W. 57th St. New York, 10019 |
AJN | |
09/22/1982 | Dead/Cancelled | American Journal of Nursing Company | 555 W. 57th St. New York, 10019 |
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Gnyha Management Corporation
Domestic Business Corporation
Cinergy Ipa, LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
West Lobby Newsstand Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Dedalus Foundation, Inc.
Foreign Not-for-profit Corporation
Greater New York Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Domestic Not-for-profit Corporation