Amm Construction, Inc. is a company based at 2242 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Kings county, under DOS id number 3581547 on 10/17/2007, 17 years ago.
This business is, according to the official data, supervised by a manager - Muqaddas Sharif from Staten Island.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Amm Construction Inc. is a MBE certified company. The certification should be renewed before 11/29/2019. Created on 10/17/2007, the company can be found at 1641 65Th Street, Suite B9,11204 Brooklyn. They can be reached by phone at (718)775-8314, by fax at 3474624381 and by email at
Amm Construction Inc. completed numerous contracts, namely:
a contract for Client valued at $25 000,00 that consisted of “make the nfront of home with brick layring”;
a contract for Client valued at $28 000,00 that consisted of “Install concrete and paver back yard drive way and sidewalk”;
a contract for Client valued at $30 000,00 that consisted of “Complete interior drywall and floor”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
This company is registered in the DCA as a home improvement contractor and can be found at 1641, 65Th St, Brooklyn, Ny (40° 37.266' N 74° 1.743' W). You can reach the company by dialing (718)775-8314.
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