A.t. West 16Th Enterprises, Ltd. is a firm registered at 11650 Broadway, Rm 611, New York. It was established as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under company number 1231509 on 02/01/1988, 36 years ago.
This company is, currently, being managed by a director - Andrew W Silverman from New York.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company is registered in the DCA as a sidewalk cafe that can be found at 9, E 16Th St, New York, Ny (40° 44.23' N 73° 59.535' W). One can reach them by dialing (212)582-0125.
There was only one DCA inspection (industry: sidewalk cafe), that happened on 03/16/2016 and the result was "no violation issued".
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
03/16/2016 | Manhattan 9 E 16th St New York NY 10003 |
A.t. West 16th Enterprises,ltd. | Sidewalk Cafe - 013 | No Violation Issued |
As far as we managed to establish, official records show that 1 trademark officially submitted on behalf of A.t. West 16Th Enterprises, Ltd. can be found. A.t. West 16Th Enterprises, Ltd. trademarks include: dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) trademark filed on 2014-02-01. The trademark's identifying feature is "CAMPEÓN". As reported in the latest trademark filing with a serial number 86181845, A.t. West 16Th Enterprises, Ltd. can be contacted at: New York, NY, postcode - 10019, located at: Suite 611, 1650 Broadway.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
02/01/2014 | Dead/Abandoned | A.T. WEST 16TH ENTERPRISES, LTD. | Suite 611 1650 Broadway New York, 10019 |
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