Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. is a business located at 7088 Route 549 Ste 1, Millerton. It was set up as a foreign business corporation in Chemung county, under DOS id number 1695964 on January 21, 1993, 31 years ago.
The business is, at present, presided over by a chief executive officer - Donna J White from Millerton.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to find out, the PTO register shows that 2 trademarks filed on behalf of Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. can be found. Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. trademarks include: dead/abandoned (abandoned - no statement of use filed) trademark filed on 1995-03-01. This trademark's identifying feature is "BIO-SUN".
Another trademark is dead/cancelled (cancelled - section 8) and is identified as "CONTEMPORA". The trademark was filed on 1995-03-01 with a serial number 74640641 and registered on 1997-05-20. As stated in the last trademark submission with a serial number 74640640, Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. can be reached at: Millerton, PA, 16936, address - Rural Route 2, Box 134A.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
03/01/1995 | Dead/Abandoned | Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. | Rural Route #2, Box 134A Millerton, 16936 |
03/01/1995 | Dead/Cancelled | Bio-Sun Systems, Inc. | Rural Route #2, Box 134A Millerton, 16936 |
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