Blick Art Materials, Llc is a business located at Renaissance Place Ste 310, 1849 Green Bay Road, Highland Park. It was set up as a foreign limited liability company in New York county, under DOS id number 4507155 on December 31, 2013, 11 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
We gathered data about 11 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections. A Department of Consumer Affairs inspection (industry: air condtioning law) was conducted on July 17, 2019 - the outcome was "violation issued". There was also an inspection on July 17, 2019 (industry: misc non-food retail) that ended with "a no violation issued" result. Finally, there was an inspection on December 19, 2018 (industry: misc non-food retail) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
07/17/2019 | Manhattan 148 Lafayette St New York NY 10013 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
12/19/2018 | Brooklyn 536 Myrtle Ave Brooklyn NY 11205 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
10/12/2018 | Manhattan 261 W 125th St New York NY 10027 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
09/27/2018 | Manhattan 650 6th Ave New York NY 10011 |
Blick Art Materials, Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
01/19/2018 | Manhattan 650 6th Ave New York NY 10011 |
Blick Art Materials, Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
09/06/2017 | Manhattan 21 E 13th St New York NY 10003 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
05/25/2017 | Manhattan 148 Lafayette St New York NY 10013 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
01/05/2017 | Manhattan 237 W 23rd St New York NY 10011 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
07/10/2015 | Manhattan 148 Lafayette St New York NY 10013 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Air Condtioning Law - 899 | No Violation Issued |
07/10/2015 | Manhattan 148 Lafayette St New York NY 10013 |
Blick Art Materials Llc | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
As far as we managed to find out, the PTO register shows that 20 trademarks submitted on behalf of Blick Art Materials, LLC can be found. Blick Art Materials, LLC trademarks include: live/pending (notice of allowance - issued) trademark filed on 2016-07-30. Its identification is "BUY MORE, SAVE MORE, PAINT MORE".
The second trademark is live/pending (notice of allowance - issued) and is identified as "BUY MORE, SAVE MORE, DRAW MORE". It was filed on 2016-07-30 with a serial number 87121959. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Blick Art Materials, LLC on 2016-07-30 includes the identification "BUY MORE, SAVE MORE, MAKE MORE". It is live/pending (notice of allowance - issued) trademark (serial no 87121964). As stated in the last trademark submission with a serial number 87121951, Blick Art Materials, LLC can be contacted at: Highland Park, IL, zip code - 60035, address - 1849 Green Bay Road, Suite 310.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
07/30/2016 | Live/Pending | BLICK ART MATERIALS, LLC | 1849 Green Bay Road, Suite 310 Highland Park, 60035 |
07/30/2016 | Live/Pending | BLICK ART MATERIALS, LLC | 1849 Green Bay Road, Suite 310 Highland Park, 60035 |
07/30/2016 | Live/Pending | BLICK ART MATERIALS, LLC | 1849 Green Bay Road, Suite 310 Highland Park, 60035 |
02/07/2014 | Live/Registered | Blick Art Materials, LLC | 1849 Green Bay Rd., Ste. 310 Highland Park, 60035 |
02/07/2014 | Live/Registered | Blick Art Materials, LLC | 1849 Green Bay Rd., Ste. 310 Highland Park, 60035 |
Bensman Associates Ltd.
Foreign Business Corporation
Amos Financial LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Tave & Associates, L.L.C.
Foreign Limited Liability Company
First Insurance Funding Corp.
Foreign Business Corporation
Allgate Financial LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company