Brighton Collision, Inc. is a business registered at 45 Lancaster Avenue, Brooklyn. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in Kings county, under company number 2988324 on December 12, 2003, 21 years ago.
This business is, currently, being managed by John Sbrigato from Brooklyn. City records show 1 company in the region where John Sbrigato is a CEO, namely: Brighton Enterprises, Inc. (a domestic business corporation).
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
This company is registered in the DCA as a tow truck company and can be found at 1672, Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn, Ny (40° 36.723' N 73° 58.417' W). One can reach them by calling (718)998-0790.
We provide you with data about 5 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections. A Department of Consumer Affairs inspection (industry: tow truck company) was carried out on April 30, 2018 and the outcome was "pass". Then there was also an inspection on April 30, 2018 (industry: tow truck company) that ended with "a pass" result. Finally, there was also an inspection on October 19, 2017 (industry: tow truck company) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
04/30/2018 | Brooklyn 1672 Mcdonald Ave Brooklyn NY 11230 |
Brighton Collision, Inc. | Tow Truck Company - 124 | Pass |
04/30/2018 | Brooklyn 1672 Mcdonald Ave Brooklyn NY 11230 |
Brighton Collision, Inc. | Tow Truck Company - 124 | Pass |
10/19/2017 | Brooklyn 1672 Mcdonald Ave Brooklyn NY 11230 |
Brighton Collision, Inc. | Tow Truck Company - 124 | No Violation Issued |
07/13/2016 | Brooklyn 1672 Mcdonald Ave Brooklyn NY 11230 |
Brighton Collision, Inc. | Tow Truck Company - 124 | No Violation Issued |
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Brighton Enterprises, Inc.
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