Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. is a business based at 208 Cherry Ave, West Sayville. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Suffolk county, under id number 1269407 on 06/14/88, 36 years ago.
The firm is, according to the official data, led by Louis R. D'agrosa from Huntington.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Moving on to the city contracts awarded to the company, we can name:
"kosher dinners for doc".
This contract was categorized as "goods" and awarded by using the competitive sealed bids method by the Citywide Administrative Services agency.
The contract started on 08/10/11, amounting to $198,085.00.
Then there is "entrees, fresh and frozen, general population - doc", chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 07/21/10. It was valued at $104,594.40.
"Kosher dinner, frozen", the final of the three was valued at $532,720.00. It was chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 06/20/07.
As NYBizDb found, Bruno Specialty Foods Inc won 15 contracts from the aforementioned New York City agency.
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Citywide Administrative Services | ||
Kosher Dinners For Doc | $198,085.00 | 08/10/2011 |
Entrees, Fresh And Frozen, General Population - Doc | $104,594.40 | 07/21/2010 |
Kosher Dinner, Frozen | $532,720.00 | 06/20/2007 |
Entrees, Fresh And Frozen, General Population - D.o.c. | $29,062.50 | 05/21/2015 |
Dinners, Italian Cheese Lasagna, Kosher-doc | $359,141.58 | 12/26/2013 |
Kosher, Pasta Dinners, Frozen | $195,808.83 | 05/30/2006 |
Kosher Dinners For Doc | $279,035.71 | 07/10/2009 |
Dinners, Kosher, Glatt-doc, Shelf Stable | $363,834.99 | 04/22/2015 |
Kosher Dinners For D.o.c. | $236,483.00 | 06/14/2010 |
Processed Fresh And Frozen Meats, Vegetables, Other | $27,945.00 | 06/02/2016 |
Shelf - Stable Food Products Ii | $28,035.00 | 09/14/2017 |
Kosher And Passover Foods | $359,931.75 | 06/07/2017 |
Kosher Dinner, Frozen | $320,837.82 | 06/20/2003 |
Kosher Foods | $353,994.50 | 05/15/2018 |
Kosher And Passover Foods | $9,392.00 | 05/09/2016 |
As far as we managed to find out, official records show that 6 trademarks submitted on behalf of Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. can be found. Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. trademarks include: dead/cancelled (cancelled - section 8) trademark filed on 2009-05-26 and registered on 2009-12-22. Trademark's identification is "GEZUNT GOURMET".
Another trademark is live/registered (section 8 & 15-accepted and acknowledged) and is identified as "BRUNO CUCINA BENE". It was filed on 2006-09-01 with a serial number 78965884 and registered on 2008-11-11. The third trademark filed by Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. on 2006-06-05 includes the identification "ELARDI". It is live/registered (section 8 & 15-accepted and acknowledged) trademark (serial no 78900816) registered on 2008-08-19. As stated in the latest trademark submission with a serial number 77744519, Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. can be reached at: West Sayville, NY, zip code - 117961223, address: 208 Cherry Avenue.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
05/26/2009 | Dead/Cancelled | Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. | 208 Cherry Avenue West Sayville, 117961223 |
09/01/2006 | Live/Registered | Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. | 208 Cherry Avenue West Sayville, 11796 |
06/05/2006 | Live/Registered | Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. | 208 Cherry Avenue West Sayville, 117961223 |
05/30/2006 | Live/Registered | Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. | 208 Cherry Avenue West Sayville, 117961223 |
01/15/1998 | Dead/Cancelled | Bruno Specialty Foods, Inc. | 208 Cherry Avenue West Sayville, 117961223 |
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