C3R Mega Auto Diagnostic Inc. is a firm located at 11 West 169Th Street, Bronx. It was established as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under DOS id number 3902471 on 01/21/2010, 15 years ago.
That firm is, at the moment, supervised by a CEO - Neffali R Fuerle from Bronx.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
C3R Mega Auto Diagnostic, Inc. is a MBE certified firm. The certification is valid until 10/31/2018. Started on 01/21/2010, the company can be reached at 11 West 169Th Street,10452 Bronx. They can be reached by telephone at (718)410-0800, by fax at 6463140623 and using email at c3rmegaautodiagnostic@gmail.com. They also run a website - www.c3rmegaautodiagnostic.com. C3R Mega Auto Diagnostic, Inc. completed several contracts.
This company is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs as a secondhand dealer - auto that can be found at 11, W 169Th St, Bronx, Ny (40° 50.264' N 73° 55.243' W). You can reach the company by dialing 718-410-7100.
There was a single Department of Consumer Affairs inspection (industry: secondhand dealer general), that occurred on 11/07/2019 and the result was "warning".
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
05/11/2017 | Bronx 11 W 169th St Bronx NY 10452 |
C3r Mega Auto Diagnostic Inc. | Secondhand Dealer [General] - 006 | No Violation Issued |
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