Canteros + Zorrilla Architects, P.c. is a business based at 129 Elm Street, New Rochelle. It was established as a domestic professional corporation in Westchester county, under DOS id number 2933741 on July 23, 2003, 21 years ago.
This company is, according to the latest data, led by a CEO - Mario A. Canteros from New Rochelle.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Canteros+ Zorrilla Architects, P.c. is a MBE certified business. The certification should be renewed before September 29, 2023. Started on July 23, 2003, the company can be found at 129 Elm Street,10805 New Rochelle. The company can be reached by phone at (914)632-1702, by fax at 9146321066 or using email at They also run a website -
Canteros+ Zorrilla Architects, P.c. completed multiple contracts, namely:
a contract for Client valued at $40 000,00 that included “Construction documents for a 16,470 sf physical culture establishment.”;
a contract for Client valued at $28 000,00 that included “Construction Documen”;
a contract for Client valued at $30 000,00 that included “Construction documents for a 17,760 sf physical culture establishment.”.
Job experience
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Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
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