Casa Vacuums, Inc. is a business located at 3344 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Nassau county, under DOS id number 4700496 on January 27, 2015, 10 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to find out, the Patent and Trademark Office reports that 1 trademark filed on behalf of Casa Vacuums Inc. can be found. Casa Vacuums Inc. trademarks include: live/pending (new application - assigned to examiner) trademark filed on 2017-03-29. Its identification is "CASA VACUUMS". As stated in the latest trademark submission with a serial number 87390675, Casa Vacuums Inc. can be contacted at: Oceanside, NY, zip code - 11572, address - 3344 Long Beach Rd., 3344 Long Beach Rd..
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
03/29/2017 | Live/Pending | Casa Vacuums Inc. | 3344 Long Beach Rd. 3344 Long Beach Rd. Oceanside, 11572 |
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