Catherine Angiel's Gallery Eclectic Inc. is a company based at 43 Greenwich Ave, New York. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under id number 2217291 on January 13, 1998, 27 years ago.
This business is, at present, presided over by a director - Catherine Angielczyk from Southampton.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
There was a single DCA inspection (industry: jewelry store-retail), which took place on November 15, 2018 and the result was "out of business".
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
06/01/2015 | Manhattan 47 Greenwich Ave New York NY 10014 |
Catherine Angiel's Gallery Eclectic Inc. | Jewelry Store-Retail - 823 | No Violation Issued |
Pertutti New York Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Wogie's, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Sparkle Beauty Studio LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Tanning Spa Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Good Foot Enterprises, LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company