Celeritas Solutions, Llc is a company based at 6015 78Th Street, Middle Village. It was set up as a domestic limited liability company in New York county, under DOS id number 3988855 on 08/25/2010, 14 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Celeritas Solutions Llc is a MBE certified company. The certification should be renewed before 05/30/2023. Registered on 08/25/2010, the company can be found at 157 Columbus Avenue, 4Th Floor, Suite 13F,10004 New York. The company can be reached by telephone at (646)374-0260, by fax at 3478226055 or by email at imran.husain@celeritas-solutions.com. They also have a website - http://www.celeritas-solutions.com.
Celeritas Solutions Llc completed several contracts, namely:
a job for Client valued at $54 000,00 that consisted of “Design and Development of Mobile App for building operator support.”;
a job for Client valued at $20 000,00 that consisted of “Production of Marketing Videos.”;
a job for Client valued at $24 500,00 that consisted of “Development of E-Lerning Module.”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
E Tech Computer Service Center Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Henio Foods LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Dilusso Deli Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation
Food Connection Ii Ltd.
Domestic Business Corporation
John Fitzsimons Carpentry LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company