City Wide Expediting Inc. is a firm based at 69-25 62Nd Avenue, Middle Village. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under id number 4482389 on 11/05/2013, 11 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
City Wide Expediting Inc. is a WBE certified firm. Established on 01/01/2015, this company can be found at 66-56 80Th,11379 Middle Village. The company can be contacted by phone at (917)939-2362 or using email at
City Wide Expediting Inc. completed multiple contracts, to name a few:
a contract for Client that amounted to “NYC DOB Filings”;
a contract for Client valued at $300 000,00 that amounted to “File build it back applications w/NYC DOB for proposed construction.”;
a contract for Client valued at $300 000,00 that amounted to “File build it back applications w/NYC DOB for proposed construction.”.
Job experience
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Job experience
Job experience
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Job experience
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Domestic Business Corporation
Middle Village Hand Car Wash, Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Columbia Brothers, Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
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Domestic Business Corporation