Core Environmental Consultants, Inc. is a business based at 89 Northington Drive, East Amherst. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Albany county, under id number 2861918 on 01/27/03, 22 years ago.
The company is, according to the latest data, presided over by a director - Elizabeth M Tramposch from Williamsville.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Core Environmental Consultants, Inc. is a WBE certified business. Registered on 12/27/11, this company can be located at 22-48 119Th Street,11356 College Point. The company can be contacted by telephone at (718)786-4730, by fax at 7187864764 and using email at They also run a website -
Core Environmental Consultants, Inc. fulfilled multiple contracts, to name a few:
a job for Client valued at $5 900 000,00 that included “CORE is providing asbestos and lead testing, technical inspection, design, monitoring, construction”;
a job for Client valued at $500 000,00 that included “CORE is performing engineering and environmental consulting services at the Brooklyn navy yard. Wor”;
a job for Client valued at $2 900 000,00 that included “CORE is providing Environmental Consulting Survey, Design, Project/Air Monitoring and Sample Analysi”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
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