Dimassimo Inc. is a firm located at 220 E 23Rd St Ste 201, New York. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under company number 2028321 on 05/09/1996, 28 years ago.
The company is, according to the latest data, managed by a manager - Mark Dimassimo from New York.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to establish, official records show that 7 trademarks officially filed on behalf of Dimassimo Inc. can be found. Dimassimo Inc. trademarks include: dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) trademark filed on 2014-09-04. Trademark's identification is "INSPIRING ACTION".
Another trademark is live/registered (registered) and is identified as "FORMLESS". It was filed on 2014-07-02 with a serial number 86326782 and registered on 2015-07-14. The third trademark filed by Dimassimo Inc. on 2014-07-02 includes the identification "FORMLESS". It is live/registered (registered) trademark (serial no 86326783) registered on 2015-07-14. As reported in the latest trademark filing with a serial number 86385344, Dimassimo Inc. can be reached at: New York, NY, 10010, located at: 220 East 23Rd Street, 2Nd Floor.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
09/04/2014 | Dead/Abandoned | DiMassimo Inc. | 220 East 23rd Street, 2nd Floor New York, 10010 |
07/02/2014 | Live/Registered | DiMassimo Inc. | 220 East 23rd Street, 2nd Floor New York, 10010 |
07/02/2014 | Live/Registered | DiMassimo Inc. | 220 East 23rd Street, 2nd Floor New York, 10010 |
07/19/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | DiMassimo, Inc. | 220 East 23rd Street, 2nd Floor New York, 10010 |
03/10/2011 | Live/Registered | DiMassimo, Inc. | 220 East 23rd Street New York, 10010 |
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