Diversity Marketing and Communications Llc is a firm based at 256 Columbia Turnpike, North Tower, Suite 108A, Florham Park. It was set up as a foreign limited liability company in Westchester county, under DOS id number 3691680 on July 1, 2008, 16 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Diversity Marketing and Communications Llc is a WBE certified firm. Created on January 5, 2005, the company can be found at 69 Kendal Avenue,07040 Maplewood. They can be contacted by telephone at (973)377-0300, by fax at 9733773090 or using email at scohen@diversitymc.com. They also have a website - http://www.diversitymc.com.
Diversity Marketing and Communications Llc fulfilled multiple contracts, including:
a job for Client valued at $1 234 653,00 that amounted to “Advertising, community outreach, and special events”;
a job for Client valued at $307 104,00 that amounted to “Design and update nutrition education materials”;
a job for Client valued at $531 660,00 that amounted to “Program Management/Consulting Services”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Great Expectations Construction, Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Inigo Design And Build LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Mamu Transportation Inc
Domestic Business Corporation
Latonnel Limo Corp
Domestic Business Corporation
Cohen Smith Chang LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company