Dmorel Inc. is a company registered at 5000 Broadway, 4N, New York. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under id number 3026790 on 03/16/2004, 20 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company uses at least 2 vehicles: the latest is from 2012 while the oldest is from 2004. These 2 vehicles operate from 4 locations: 49 Westchester Square Prestige Car Service, Corp., based in 49 Westchester Square Bronx Ny 10461, home to 2 company cars. This livery base can be contacted by calling (718)536-2800. Next there is 3210 Webster Av Prestige C/S (licensed as livery), located at 3108 Webster Avenue Bronx Ny 10467, home to 3 company cars. The company can be contacted by calling (718)798-7700. And finally there is Kiss Car Service Inc, based in 2774 Webster Avenue Bronx Ny 10458, home to 2 company cars. They can be contacted by calling (718)733-1111.
Type: Livery
Address: 49 Westchester Square Bronx Ny 10461
Phone: (718)536-2800
Type: Livery
Address: 3108 Webster Avenue Bronx Ny 10467
Phone: (718)798-7700
Type: Livery
Address: 2774 Webster Avenue Bronx Ny 10458
Phone: (718)733-1111
Type: Livery
Address: 244 West 231 Street Bronx Ny 10463
Phone: (718)543-7777
Tax Time Corp
Domestic Business Corporation
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