East New York Tax Service, Inc. is a company registered at 7 Elliot Drive, Hicksville. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Nassau county, under company number 2098521 on 01/03/1997, 28 years ago.
The company is, at present, being led by a chief executive officer - Fern Terlinsky from Hicksville.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
At NYBizDb, we provide you with data about 3 DCA inspections. A DCA inspection (industry: tax preparers) was completed on 03/09/2018 and the outcome was "no violation issued". There was also an inspection on 03/19/2016 (industry: tax preparers) that ended with "a no violation issued" result. And then there was also an inspection on 01/30/2015 (industry: tax preparers) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
03/09/2018 | Brooklyn 1723 Pitkin Ave Brooklyn NY 11212 |
East New York Tax Service, Inc. | Tax Preparers - 891 | No Violation Issued |
03/19/2016 | Brooklyn 1723 Pitkin Ave Brooklyn NY 11212 |
East New York Tax Service, Inc. | Tax Preparers - 891 | No Violation Issued |
01/30/2015 | Brooklyn 1723 Pitkin Ave Brooklyn NY 11212 |
East New York Tax Service, Inc. | Tax Preparers - 891 | No Violation Issued |
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