Emergency Skills, Inc. is a company based at 352 Seventh Ave / Suite 1504, New York. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under DOS id number 434623 on 05/16/1977, 47 years ago.
That company is, according to the official data, supervised by Sarah V Gillen from New York.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Emergency Skills, Inc. is a WBE certified company. Started on 05/16/1977, the company can be found at 352 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1504,10001 New York. They can be reached by telephone at (212)564-6833, by fax at 2125646793 and using email at sarahg@emergencyskills.com. They also own a website - http://www.emergencyskills.com.
Emergency Skills, Inc. completed multiple contracts, among them:
a job for Client valued at $240 000,00 that consisted of “Training for school health staff in CPR, Automated External Defib and First Aid”;
a job for Client valued at $70 000,00 that consisted of “CPR, AED and First Aid training”;
a job for Client valued at $17 000,00 that consisted of “Instructor Training and AED supplies”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Moving on to the city contracts awarded to this company, we should name:
"cpr and cpr plus training and first aid training".
This contract was categorized as "human services/client services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Health and Mental Hygiene agency.
It started on 08/22/2013, valued at $224,176.00.
Then there is "cpr and cpr plus training", selected using the request for proposals and started on 10/28/2016. It was worth $240,000.00.
As the city database informs us, Emergency Skills, Inc. won 2 contracts from the abovementioned NY City agency.
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Health and Mental Hygiene | ||
Cpr And Cpr Plus Training And First Aid Training | $224,176.00 | 08/22/2013 |
Cpr And Cpr Plus Training | $240,000.00 | 10/28/2016 |
As far as we know, USPTO data shows that 3 trademarks officially submitted on behalf of Emergency Skills, Inc. can be found. Emergency Skills, Inc. trademarks include: live/registered (registered) trademark filed on 2014-02-20 and registered on 2014-12-02. The trademark's identifying feature is "ALIVE!".
The second trademark is dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) and is identified as "ALIVE!NET". It was filed on 2014-02-20 with a serial number 86199237. The third trademark filed by Emergency Skills, Inc. on 2014-02-20 includes the identification "ESI". It is dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) trademark (serial number 86199336). According to the last trademark filing with a serial number 86199198, Emergency Skills, Inc. can be contacted at: New York, NY, zip code - 10001, located at: 350 7Th Ave Suite 505.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
02/20/2014 | Live/Registered | Emergency Skills, Inc. | 350 7th Ave Suite 505 New York, 10001 |
ALIVE! | |
02/20/2014 | Dead/Abandoned | Emergency Skills, Inc. | 350 7th Ave Suite 505 New York, 10001 |
02/20/2014 | Dead/Abandoned | Emergency Skills, Inc. | 350 7th Ave Suite 505 New York, 10001 |
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