
Evergreen Mountain Contracting, Inc. company details

Type: Domestic Business Corporation
Evergreen Mountain Contracting, Inc.
DOS Process Name
25 Evergreen Mt. Rd.
DOS Process Address
West Kill
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
Company's CEO
Jeanette Petosa
CEO Name
West Kill
CEO City
New York
CEO State

Evergreen Mountain Contracting, Inc. is a company located at 25 Evergreen Mt. Rd., West Kill. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Greene county, under company number 2352714 on 03/04/99, 25 years ago.
This firm is, at present, presided over by a director - Jeanette Petosa from West Kill.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Evergreen Mountain Contracting Inc.

Moving on to the New York City contracts awarded to the company, we should mention: "demolition of ashokan field campus, ulster county". The contract was categorized as "construction/construction services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed bids method by the Environmental Protection agency. It began on 06/25/15, valued at $1,811,800.00.
Then there is "reconstruction of the concrete floor slabs at ashokan fleet garage, olivebridge, new york", selected using the competitive sealed bids and started on 07/14/17. It amounted to $1,430,000.00.
Per the NYC database, Evergreen Mountain Contracting Inc. won 2 contracts from this particular New York City agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Environmental Protection
Demolition Of Ashokan Field Campus, Ulster County $1,811,800.00
Reconstruction Of The Concrete Floor Slabs At Ashokan Fleet Garage, Olivebridge, New York $1,430,000.00


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