Final Touch Collision Ltd. is a company registered at 732 65Th Street, Brooklyn. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Kings county, under id number 565278 on 06/22/79, 45 years ago.
That company is, at present, controlled by a director - Mario Parente Dominick Giordano from Brooklyn.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
When considering the New York City contracts awarded to this company, we can list:
"auto body and chassis repair services, citywide".
This contract was categorized as "goods" and awarded using the renewal method by the Citywide Administrative Services agency.
It began on 04/18/18, valued at $530,183.33.
Then there is "information technology (computer) training services", chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 09/07/06. It amounted to $400,000.00.
"Auto body and chassis repair services, citywide", the final of the three was worth $530,183.33. It was chosen using the renewal and began on 02/16/17.
As we found, Final Touch Collision Ltd was awarded 5 contracts from the aforementioned NYC agency.
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Citywide Administrative Services | ||
Auto Body And Chassis Repair Services, Citywide | $530,183.33 | 04/18/2018 |
Information Technology (computer) Training Services | $400,000.00 | 09/07/2006 |
Auto Body And Chassis Repair Services, Citywide | $530,183.33 | 02/16/2017 |
Auto Body Repair Services, Brooklyn North | $200,000.00 | 11/06/2008 |
Auto Body Repair | $600,000.00 | 06/08/2010 |
There was only one DCA inspection (industry: misc non-food retail), that took place on 12/22/17 and the result was "no violation issued".
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
12/22/2017 | Brooklyn 732 65th St Brooklyn NY 11220 |
Final Touch Collision Ltd. | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
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