Fx Limos Llc is a company registered at 104-14 90 Avenue, Richmond Hill. It was established as a domestic limited liability company in Queens county, under company number 4503731 on 12/20/13, 11 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company uses at least 2 vehicles: the latest comes from 2016 and the oldest was built in 2011. These 2 vehicles operate from 2 locations: Meem Services Inc, a company that can be found at 24506 Jericho Tkpe. SuiteLl111 Floral Park Ny 11001, home to 3 company cars. This luxury base can be reached by dialing (917)482-7281. Then there is Danach-Ny,Llc (licensed as black-car), a company that can be found at 636 West 28 Street New York Ny 10001, home to 2 company cars. The company can be reached by dialing (718)971-5635.
Type: Luxury
Address: 24506 Jericho Tkpe. Suite#ll111 Floral Park Ny 11001
Phone: (917)482-7281
Type: Black-car
Address: 636 West 28 Street New York Ny 10001
Phone: (718)971-5635
Website: www.uber.com/nyc
Fx Studios Ny Inc
Domestic Business Corporation
Flawless Dcn Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Gnp89, Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation
Jh & H Laundromat Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Velios Capital Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation