Gutierrez & Estabillo Llp is a company based at 141-05 Northern Boulevard 1D, Flushing. It was registered as a domestic registered limited liability partnership, under company number 2594621 on 01/17/2001, 24 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Moving on to the NYC contracts awarded to this company, we can list:
"shared services/ save- audits of hhs contracts- tier ii".
The contract was categorized as "human services/client services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Dept Of Social Svcs/Human Resources Administration agency.
The contract started on 02/14/2014, valued at $343,750.00.
As NYBizDb established, Gutierrez and Estabillo, Llp. won 1 contract from this particular NY City agency.
Gutierrez and Estabillo, Llp was also contracted by the Homeless Services. They completed 2 contracts, such as:
"audit services" (worth: $143,520.00), "audit / homeless services" (worth: $143,520.00).
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Dept Of Social Svcs/Human Resources Administration | ||
Shared Services/ Save- Audits Of Hhs Contracts- Tier Ii | $343,750.00 | 02/14/2014 |
Agency: Homeless Services | ||
Audit Services | $143,520.00 | 07/25/2008 |
Audit / Homeless Services | $143,520.00 | 09/29/2011 |
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