
Hardesty & Hanover Construction Services, LLC company details

Type: Foreign Professional Service Limited Liability Company
Hardesty & Hanover Construction Services, LLC
DOS Process Name
1501 Broadway, 6th Floor
DOS Process Address
New York
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York

Hardesty & Hanover Construction Services, Llc is a business located at 1501 Broadway, 6Th Floor, New York. It was registered as a foreign professional service limited liability company in New York county, under id number 4270311 on July 13, 2012, 12 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Hardesty And Hanover Construction Services LLC

Moving on to the city contracts awarded to the company, we should name: "resident engineering inspection services for the reconstruction of storm sewers in travis area, borough of staten island". This contract was categorized as "construction related services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Design and Construction agency. It started on October 1, 2018, amounting to $6,513,929.00.
Then there is "resident engineering inspection services", chosen using the request for proposals and started on September 10, 2015. It was worth $15,000,000.00.
As we established, Hardesty and Hanover Construction Services, Llc won 2 contracts from the aforementioned city agency.

Hardesty and Hanover Construction Services Llc was also contracted by the Transportation. They did 1 contract, namely: "rei for rehabilitation of henry hudson parkway viaduct from w.72-w.82 and w.94-w.98 streets" (worth: $6,375,964.72).

Title Amount
Agency: Design and Construction
Resident Engineering Inspection Services For The Reconstruction Of Storm Sewers In Travis Area, Borough Of Staten Island $6,513,929.00
Resident Engineering Inspection Services $15,000,000.00
Agency: Transportation
Rei For Rehabilitation Of Henry Hudson Parkway Viaduct From W.72-w.82 And W.94-w.98 Streets $6,375,964.72


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