Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is a company located at 41-09 College Point Blvd., Flushing. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under DOS id number 2997017 on 01/08/04, 21 years ago.
The following company is, currently, being led by Gugene Yu from Fresh Meadows.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd is a MBE certified company. The certification is valid until 10/31/24. Registered on 01/01/70, the company can be located at 41-09 College Point Blvd,11355 Flushing. They can be contacted by phone at 718-886-6966, by fax at 718-886-6969 and by email at eugeneyu@hisunoptoled.com. They also run a website - https://www.hisunoptoled.com.
Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd fulfilled multiple contracts, including:
a contract for Matrixx Construction, Inc. valued at $51 000,00 that consisted of “Sold 300 Pieces of LED area lights”;
a contract for Client valued at $7 251,75 that consisted of “Supplied a variety of lighting fixtures to electric supply store for resale”;
a contract for Client valued at $7 757,34 that consisted of “Recommend and supplied a variety of ceiling lights for use in an apartment complex”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
We provide you with reports about 2 DCA inspections. A DCA inspection (industry: misc non-food retail) was completed on 01/03/18 - the outcome was "no violation issued". There was also an inspection on 04/25/16 (industry: misc non-food retail) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
01/03/2018 | Queens 4109 College Point Blvd Flushing NY 11355 |
Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
04/25/2016 | Queens 4109 College Point Blvd Flushing NY 11355 |
Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. | Misc Non-Food Retail - 817 | No Violation Issued |
As far as we know, the Patent and Trademark Office reports that 4 trademarks officially filed on behalf of Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. can be found. Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. trademarks include: live/pending (publication/issue review complete) trademark filed on 2016-10-21. This trademark's identifying feature is "LED FANTASY".
Another trademark is live/pending (published for opposition) and is identified as "AMERICAN LED ASSOCIATION". It was filed on 2015-11-18 with a serial number 86824826. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Hisun Optoelectronics Co. Ltd on 2015-11-17 includes the identification "LED REPUBLIC". It is dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) trademark (serial no 86823559). According to the latest trademark filing with a serial number 87212009, Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. can be reached at: Flushing, NY, postcode - 11355, located at: 41-09 College Point Blvd.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
10/21/2016 | Live/Pending | Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. | 41-09 College Point Blvd Flushing, 11355 |
11/18/2015 | Live/Pending | Hisun Optoelectronics Co. Ltd | 41-09 College Point Blvd Flushing, 11355 |
11/17/2015 | Dead/Abandoned | Hisun Optoelectronics Co. Ltd | 41-09 College Point Blvd Flushing, 11355 |
01/26/2006 | Live/Registered | Hisun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. | 41-09 College Point Blvd. Flushing, 11355 |
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