Icebreaker Entertainment, Llc is a firm based at 201 East 87Th St, Ste 3D, New York. It was set up as a domestic limited liability company in New York county, under DOS id number 2937076 on July 30, 2003, 21 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to establish, the PTO register shows that 6 trademarks officially submitted on behalf of Icebreaker Entertainment LLC can be found. Icebreaker Entertainment LLC trademarks include: live/pending (publication/issue review complete) trademark filed on 2017-03-06. The trademark's identifying feature is "GIFTYPET".
The second trademark is live/registered (registered) and is identified as "SEXY SLANG". It was filed on 2016-10-17 with a serial number 87205115 and registered on 2017-03-21. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Icebreaker Entertainment, LLC on 2015-02-27 includes the identification "COCKTAILS AND CURIOSITIES". It is live/registered (registered) trademark (serial no 86548002) registered on 2015-08-11. As reported in the last trademark filing with a serial number 87359297, Icebreaker Entertainment LLC can be contacted at: New York, NY, zip code - 10128, address: Attn: Edward A. Scofield, 201 E. 87Th Street, Apt 3D.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
03/06/2017 | Live/Pending | Icebreaker Entertainment LLC | Attn: Edward A. Scofield 201 E. 87th Street, Apt 3D New York, 10128 |
10/17/2016 | Live/Registered | Icebreaker Entertainment, LLC | Attn: Edward A. Scofield 201 East 87th Street, Apt 3D New York, 10128 |
02/27/2015 | Live/Registered | Icebreaker Entertainment, LLC | Attn: Ted Scofield 201 E 87th Street, Suite 3D New York, 10128 |
04/10/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | Icebreaker Entertainment, LLC | Attn: Edward Scofield 201 East 87th Street, Apt. 3D New York, 10128 |
02/29/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | Icebreaker Entertainment, LLC | Attn: Ted Scofield 201 East 87th Street, Apt. 3D New York, 10128 |
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