Independent Equipment Corp. is a business registered at 330 Old Country Road, Suite 201, Mineola. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Nassau county, under id number 2614695 on 03/09/2001, 23 years ago.
That business is, currently, supervised by Richard E Bohm from Mineola.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Moving on to the New York City contracts awarded to the company, we can list:
"equipment ii, rental of various: d.o.t.".
The contract was categorized as "goods" and awarded using the competitive sealed bids method by the Citywide Administrative Services agency.
The contract started on 01/21/2003, amounting to $37,830.00.
As NYBizDb established, Independent Equipment Corp. won 1 contract from this particular city agency.
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Citywide Administrative Services | ||
Equipment Ii, Rental Of Various: D.o.t. | $37,830.00 | 01/21/2003 |
Inceptor Acquisition, LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company, LLC
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Maggie Rose Designs Ltd.
Domestic Business Corporation
3-g Services Limited
Domestic Business Corporation
Recovery Associates, Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation