Kojo's Pest Elimination Company Llc is a business located at 1576 Boston Road, Bronx. It was registered as a domestic limited liability company in Bronx county, under DOS id number 3412226 on 09/13/06, 18 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Kojo's Pest Elimination Company Llc is a MBE certified business. The certification is valid until 02/29/24. Established on 08/01/06, the company can be located at 1576 Boston Road,10460 Bronx. The company can be contacted by telephone at 718-861-5656, by fax at 718-861-1745 or using email at nkojo@kojopest.com. They also own a website - https://www.kojopest.com.
Kojo's Pest Elimination Company Llc fulfilled several contracts, to name a few:
a job for Client valued at $60 000,00 that included “Performed pest control various buildings”;
a job for Client valued at $60 000,00 that included “Performed pest control various buildings”;
a job for Client valued at $60 000,00 that included “Performed pest control services”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
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Domestic Business Corporation
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Domestic Business Corporation
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