Levamentum, Inc. is a firm registered at 34 N 7Th Street, 11H, Brooklyn. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Kings county, under id number 4625626 on 08/22/14, 10 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
This company operates 1 Taxi and Limousine Commission certified vehicle, namely a 2015 car (license plate: T775035C). This single vehicle can be found at Marr Limo Llc, 177 White Plains Rd 77A Tarrytown Ny 10591. You can get in touch with the base by dialing (347)744-2474.
Type: Luxury
Address: 177 White Plains Rd 77a Tarrytown Ny 10591
Phone: (347)744-2474
Type: Black-car
Address: 159 20 Street Brooklyn Ny 11232
Phone: (718)802-1000
Yolodude Game, LLC
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Shny2005 LLC
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The Behin Group, LLC
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