Maizteca Foods, Inc. is a firm registered at 130-05 Liberty Ave., Richmond Hill. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under DOS id number 1505454 on 01/30/91, 34 years ago.
This firm is, according to the latest data, supervised by a CEO - Sixto Reyes from New Windsor.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to establish, the Patent and Trademark Office reports that 3 trademarks officially filed on behalf of Maizteca Foods, Inc. can be found. Maizteca Foods, Inc. trademarks include: live/registered (registered) trademark filed on 2010-10-26 and registered on 2011-07-05. Its identification is "MAIZTECA".
The second trademark is live/registered (registered and renewed) and is identified as "MAIZTECA FOODS TORTILLAS". The trademark was filed on 1998-02-06 with a serial number 75430288 and registered on 1999-11-16. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Maizteca Foods, Inc. on 1998-02-06 includes the identification "TORTILLAS MIXTECA". It is live/registered (registered and renewed) trademark (serial number 75430289) registered on 2002-07-16. As reported in the latest trademark filing with a serial number 85161482, Maizteca Foods, Inc. can be contacted at: South Richmond Hill, NY, 11419, address: 130-05 Liberty Avenue.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
10/26/2010 | Live/Registered | Maizteca Foods, Inc. | 130-05 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, 11419 |
02/06/1998 | Live/Registered | MAIZTECA FOODS, INC. | 13005 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, 11419 |
02/06/1998 | Live/Registered | MAIZTECA FOODS, INC. | 130-05 LIBERTY AVENUE RICHMOND HILL, 11419 |
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