M.j. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.c. is a business based at 1533 Crescent Rd., Clifton Park. It was established as a domestic professional corporation in Saratoga county, under company number 560976 on 06/01/79, 45 years ago.
The business is, at the moment, supervised by a chief executive officer - Michael D. Panichelli from Clifton Park.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
M.j. Engineering & Land Surveying, P.c. is a MBE certified business. The certification should be renewed before 05/31/18. Created on 06/01/79, they can be found at 1533 Crescent Road,12065 Clifton Park. They can be contacted by telephone at (518)371-0799, by fax at 518 371-0822 and by email at mpanichelli@mjels.com. They also run a website - http://www.mjels.com.
M.j. Engineering & Land Surveying, P.c. fulfilled numerous contracts, including:
a job for Client valued at $1 400 000,00 that included “MJ provided site/civil design, permitting, construction adminstration, 3D laser scanning and GIS services for this 500- bedroom apartment-style student housing complex”;
a job for Client valued at $1 000 000,00 that included “MJ provided structural design, survey and mapping, and 3D laser scanning. The project included replacement of the deck and rehabilitation of the superstructure of the 1,795-foot-long span bridge”;
a job for Client valued at $300 000,00 that included “MJ is performing topographic, utility, and bathymetric survey and mapping for the Manhattan Midtown Waterfront Project which runs along the East River”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Moving on to the NYC contracts awarded to the company, we can name:
"pw311t04e, requirements contract for surveying services for the preparation of survey documents for various projects in the borough of queens".
This contract was categorized as "construction related services" and awarded using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Design and Construction agency.
It started on 03/31/06, amounting to $1,000,000.00.
As the city database informs us, M.j. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.c. won 1 contract from this New York City agency.
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Design and Construction | ||
Pw311t04e, Requirements Contract For Surveying Services For The Preparation Of Survey Documents For Various Projects In The Borough Of Queens | $1,000,000.00 | 03/31/2006 |
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