Natagana, Inc. is a company based at 19-47 80Th Street, Apartment 10, East Elmhurst. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under DOS id number 3943393 on April 29, 2010, 14 years ago.
The following company is, currently, being led by Natalya Dits from East Elmhurst.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs as a laundry and is located at 2927, Newtown Ave, Astoria, Ny (40° 46.113' N 73° 55.285' W). One can contact them by dialing (646)498-3641.
At NYBizDb, we gathered reports about 10 Department of Consumer Affairs inspections. And then there was an inspection on May 4, 2018 (industry: laundry) that ended with "a pass" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
05/04/2018 | Queens 2927 Newtown Ave Astoria NY 11102 |
Natagana, Inc., | Laundry - 064 | Pass |
01/17/2017 | Queens 2419 Ditmars Blvd Astoria NY 11105 |
Natagana, Inc., | Laundry - 064 | Pass |
11/14/2016 | Queens 2927 Newtown Ave Astoria NY 11102 |
Natagana, Inc. | Laundry - 064 | No Violation Issued |
07/01/2015 | Queens 2419 Ditmars Blvd Astoria NY 11105 |
Natagana, Inc. | Laundry - 064 | No Violation Issued |
03/10/2015 | Queens 2927 Newtown Ave Astoria NY 11102 |
Natagana, Inc. | Laundry - 064 | Pass |
01/20/2015 | Queens 2342 31st Dr Astoria NY 11106 |
Natagana, Inc. | Laundry - 064 | Pass |
01/16/2015 | Queens 2419 Ditmars Blvd Astoria NY 11105 |
Natagana, Inc. | Laundry - 064 | Pass |
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