Native Millions, Llc is a company registered at 12587 Rte. 438, Irving. It was set up as a domestic limited liability company in Erie county, under id number 4280402 on August 7, 2012, 12 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we know, the PTO register shows that 3 trademarks filed on behalf of Native Millions, LLC can be found. Native Millions, LLC trademarks include: dead/abandoned (abandoned – express after pub) trademark filed on 2012-09-27. This trademark's identifying feature is "LUCKY BUCK$".
The second trademark is dead/abandoned (abandoned - no statement of use filed) and is identified as "NATIVE MILLIONS". The trademark was filed on 2012-09-17 with a serial number 85730669. The third trademark filed by Native Millions, LLC on 2012-09-17 includes the identification "POWER 5". It is dead/abandoned (abandoned - no statement of use filed) trademark (serial no 85730711). According to the last trademark submission with a serial number 85740324, Native Millions, LLC can be reached at: Irving, NY, 14081, address: 12587 Rte. 438.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
09/27/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | Native Millions, LLC | 12587 RTE. 438 Irving, 14081 |
09/17/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | Native Millions, LLC | 12587 RTE. 438 Irving, 14081 |
09/17/2012 | Dead/Abandoned | Native Millions, LLC | 12587 RTE. 438 Irving, 14081 |
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