Ny Construction & Stone Inc. is a firm registered at 21-45 23Rd St., Astoria. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under id number 3761501 on 01/09/09, 16 years ago.
The following business is, at present, controlled by a chief executive officer - Ylber Zharku from Astoria.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company is registered in the Department of Consumer Affairs as a home improvement contractor that can be found at 5810, 76Th Street, Middle Village, Ny (40° 46.834' N 73° 54.888' W). You can contact the company by dialing (718)204-6100.
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