Pets A Go Go Llc is a business based at 589 North State Road, Briarcliff Manor. It was established as a domestic limited liability company in Westchester county, under DOS id number 3714655 on 08/28/2008, 16 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we managed to find out, the Patent and Trademark Office reports that 4 trademarks submitted on behalf of Pets A Go Go LLC can be found. Pets A Go Go LLC trademarks include: live/registered (registered) trademark filed on 2011-05-18 and registered on 2012-03-06. Trademark's identification is "SIT STAY PLAY".
The second trademark is live/registered (registered) and is identified as "THE PAW SQUAD". It was filed on 2010-11-14 with a serial number 85176282 and registered on 2011-07-19. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Pets A Go Go LLC on 2010-11-14 includes the identification "DOGS GONE GREEN". It is live/registered (registered) trademark (serial no 85176289) registered on 2011-12-13. As stated in the latest trademark submission with a serial number 85324247, Pets A Go Go LLC can be reached at: Briarcliff Manor, NY, zip code - 10510, address: 72 North State Road, 162.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
05/18/2011 | Live/Registered | Pets a Go Go LLC | 72 North State Road, #162 Briarcliff Manor, 10510 |
11/14/2010 | Live/Registered | Pets a Go Go LLC | 72 North State Road, #162 Briarcliff Manor, 10510 |
11/14/2010 | Live/Registered | Pets a Go Go LLC | 72 North State Road, #162 Briarcliff Manor, 10510 |
11/14/2010 | Dead/Abandoned | Pets a Go Go LLC | 72 North State Road, #162 Briarcliff Manor, 10510 |
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