Plexus Optix, Inc. is a company based at 3333 Quality Drive, Ms 163, Vision Service Plan, Rancho Cordova. It was registered as a foreign business corporation in Suffolk county, under id number 4570176 on April 30, 2014, 10 years ago.
The following company is, according to the official data, being managed by Michael Guyette from Rancho Cordova. City records show 1 company in the region where Michael Guyette is a CEO, namely: Vsp Labs, Inc. (a foreign business corporation).
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we know, official records show that 15 trademarks officially submitted on behalf of Plexus Optix, Inc. can be found. Plexus Optix, Inc. trademarks include: live/pending (new application - record initialized not assigned to examiner) trademark filed on 2017-04-14. The trademark's identifying feature is "ETHOS".
Another trademark is live/pending (notice of allowance - issued) and is identified as "TECHSHIELD". The trademark was filed on 2016-09-13 with a serial number 87170077. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by Plexus Optix, Inc. on 2013-04-03 includes the identification "VIZTEC". It is live/registered (registered) trademark (serial no 85893631) registered on 2013-10-29. According to the latest trademark filing with a serial number 87412305, Plexus Optix, Inc. can be contacted at: Rancho Cordova, CA, zip code - 95670, located at: 3333 Quality Drive.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
04/14/2017 | Live/Pending | Plexus Optix, Inc. | 3333 Quality Drive Rancho Cordova, 95670 |
09/13/2016 | Live/Pending | Plexus Optix, Inc. | 3333 Quality Drive Rancho Cordova, 95670 |
04/03/2013 | Live/Registered | PLEXUS OPTIX, INC. | 3333 QUALITY DRIVE RANCHO CORDOVA, 95670 |
03/01/2013 | Live/Registered | PLEXUS OPTIX, INC. | 3333 QUALITY DRIVE RANCHO CORDOVA, 95670 |
03/01/2013 | Live/Registered | PLEXUS OPTIX, INC. | 3333 QUALITY DRIVE RANCHO CORDOVA, 95670 |
Vsp Labs, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Eyefinity, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
States Recovery Systems, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Interwest Insurance Services, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Wireless Company Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
Vsp Labs, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation