Ports Of Call Management, Inc. is a business based at 6O Revolutionary Rd, Ossining. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Westchester county, under company number 1278640 on 07/20/1988, 36 years ago.
This business is, according to the latest data, presided over by a CEO - Wendy Johnson-Salter from New York.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Ports Of Call Management, Inc is a MBE,WBE certified business. The certification should be renewed before 10/31/2021. Established on 07/01/1988, they can be located at 625 8Th Avenue,10018 New York. They can be contacted by telephone at (212)239-3223, by fax at 2122390372 or by email at portsmgmtnyc@verizon.net.
Ports Of Call Management, Inc completed numerous contracts, including:
a job for Client valued at $81 000,00 that included “Rent space to Joshua's Accessories”;
a job for Client valued at $28 500,00 that included “Rent space to Sky”;
a job for Client valued at $76 600,00 that included “Rent space to Shamukul, Looney Tooney, 2.0 Smart Accessories”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Scimark Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation
Enj Home Improvements Inc.
Domestic Business Corporation
Genesis Development Group LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Cm Publishing, LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Dicapua Management LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company