
Project Management Implementation Consultants, LLC company details

Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company
Everton Daring
DOS Process Name
4508 Kings Highway
DOS Process Address
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York

Project Management Implementation Consultants, Llc is a company registered at 4508 Kings Highway, Brooklyn. It was set up as a domestic limited liability company in Kings county, under id number 4524809 on 02/05/2014, 11 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City certifications

Project Management Implementation Consultants, Llc. is a MBE certified company. The certification will expire on 09/29/2021. Started on 02/05/2014, this company can be located at 4508 Kings Highway,11234 Brooklyn. The company can be contacted by telephone at (347)268-5255. Project Management Implementation Consultants, Llc. completed multiple contracts, to name a few:
a job for Client valued at $153 360,00 that consisted of “Manage the wind down of Cash Management business by developing and managing project milestones and t”;
a job for Client valued at $30 420,00 that consisted of “Perform initial review of monthly invoice from vendor and validate that charges were accurate. Perfo”;
a job for Client valued at $133 000,00 that consisted of “Develop and implement project plan to move Cash Management Services to alternate provider. Developed”.

Project Management Implementation Consultants, LLC.
Formal name
Certification renewal date
4508 Kings Highway Brooklyn 11234

Mailing address
Date of establishment
Support clients in executing their strategies and implementing their projects by developing project documentation, including building project plans, managing project task and milestones, identify and mitigate risk, provide project updates written and verbal via status reports, team and one on one meetings.
Business description

Job experience

153 360,00
Contract value
100 %
Percent self performed
Job date
Manage the wind down of Cash Management business by developing and managing project milestones and t

Job experience

30 420,00
Contract value
100 %
Percent self performed
Job date
Perform initial review of monthly invoice from vendor and validate that charges were accurate. Perfo

Job experience

133 000,00
Contract value
100 %
Percent self performed
Job date
Develop and implement project plan to move Cash Management Services to alternate provider. Developed


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