
R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. company details

Type: Domestic Business Corporation
R. Plotkin Associates, Inc.
DOS Process Name
847a Second Avenue #181
DOS Process Address
New York
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
New York
Company's CEO
Rhoda Plotkin
CEO Name
New York
CEO City
New York
CEO State

R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. is a firm based at 847A Second Avenue, 181, New York. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in New York county, under id number 2181296 on 09/17/1997, 27 years ago.
This business is, at present, supervised by a CEO - Rhoda Plotkin from New York.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts R Plotkin Associates, Inc.

Moving on to the city contracts awarded to the company, we should name: "cakes, pies, and danishes individually wrapped / commiss". This contract was categorized as "goods" and awarded using the competitive sealed bids method by the Citywide Administrative Services agency. It started on 03/08/2006; it was valued to be $642,000.00.
Then there is "bread, roll, bagel, cupcake, cookies for doc", chosen using the competitive sealed bids and started on 02/28/2008. It was worth $87,000.00.
"Bread, rolls, muffins, donuts and pastries", the final on this list was valued at $3,234.00. It was chosen using the competitive sealed bids and began on 07/03/2007.
As the city database informs us, R Plotkin Associates, Inc. won 3 contracts from the aforementioned city agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Citywide Administrative Services
Cakes, Pies, And Danishes Individually Wrapped / Commiss $642,000.00
Bread, Roll, Bagel, Cupcake, Cookies For Doc $87,000.00
Bread, Rolls, Muffins, Donuts And Pastries $3,234.00


As far as we managed to establish, official records show that 3 trademarks filed on behalf of R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. can be found. R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. trademarks include: live/pending (published for opposition) trademark filed on 2016-12-06. The trademark's identifying feature is "LIFEFIELD".
The second trademark is dead/abandoned (abandoned-failure to respond or late response) and is identified as "BABY BUCKWHEAT". It was filed on 1998-11-25 with a serial number 75595108. The subsequent trademark mentioned filed by R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. on 1998-05-06 includes the identification "LIFEFIELD". It is dead/cancelled (cancelled - section 8) trademark (serial number 75480243) registered on 1999-11-16. As reported in the latest trademark submission with a serial number 87258411, R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. can be contacted at: New York, NY, zip code - 10017, address - 847A Second Avenue, Suite 181.

Filing date Status Company name Address Mark identification
SUITE #181
NEW YORK, 10017
11/25/1998 Dead/Abandoned R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. 847A Second Avenue Suite #181
New York, 10017
05/06/1998 Dead/Cancelled R. Plotkin Associates, Inc. 847A Second Avenue Suite #181
New York, 10017


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