Reichman Frankle Inc. is a firm registered at 560 Sylvan Avenue, Suite 1240, Englewood Cliffs. It was set up as a foreign business corporation in New York county, under id number 3673270 on 05/19/2008, 16 years ago.
The following firm is, according to the latest data, managed by a CEO - Rose E Reichman from Englewood Cliffs.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Reichman Frankle Inc. is a WBE certified firm. Created on 12/03/1989, this company can be found at 560 Sylvan Avenue,07632 Englewood Cliffs. The company can be contacted by telephone at (201)816-1211, by fax at 2018168424 and using email at They also have a website -
Reichman Frankle Inc. fulfilled several contracts, to name a few:
a job for Client valued at $3 865 000,00 that amounted to “External/Internal public relations/Contract Management”;
a job for Jacobs Civil Consultants Inc. valued at $128 000,00;
a job for Client valued at $904 000,00 that amounted to “Public relations/communications services”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
229 Bleecker LLC
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Y C Fashion Inc
Domestic Business Corporation
7 Washington Lane Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation
Jeg, Inc.
Foreign Business Corporation
7 Stars Consulting Corp.
Domestic Business Corporation