
Saratoga Associates Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers And Planners, P.c. company details

Type: Domestic Professional Corporation
Saratoga Associates Landscape Architects, Architects, Eng Pl
DOS Process Name
21 Congress Street Suite 201
DOS Process Address
Saratoga Springs
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
Company's CEO
Daniel M. Shearer
CEO Name
Saratoga Springs
CEO City
New York
CEO State

Saratoga Associates Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers and Planners, P.c. is a firm based at 21 Congress Street, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs. It was established as a domestic professional corporation in Saratoga county, under id number 449220 on 09/23/1977, 47 years ago.
The following company is, at present, led by a CEO - Daniel M. Shearer from Saratoga Springs.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Saratoga Associates Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers, And Planners, P.c.

When considering the NYC contracts awarded to this company, we should list: "hwarccw01(arccw01), requirements contracts for landscape architectural services for various infrastructure projects, citywide.". This contract was categorized as "construction/construction services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Design and Construction agency. The contract started on 10/31/2014; it was valued to be $5,000,000.00.
As NYBizDb found, Saratoga Associates Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers, and Planners, P.c. was awarded 1 contract from the aforementioned NYC agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Design and Construction
Hwarccw01(arccw01), Requirements Contracts For Landscape Architectural Services For Various Infrastructure Projects, Citywide. $5,000,000.00


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