Services For The Underserved, Inc. is a firm based at 463 Seventh Avenue, 17Th Floor, New York. It was registered as a domestic not-for-profit corporation in New York county, under company number 2127136 on 03/26/97, 27 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Moving on to the NYC contracts awarded to this company, we can list:
"supported housing".
This contract was categorized as "human services/client services" and awarded by using the required/authorized source method by the Health and Mental Hygiene agency.
It started on 07/19/10; it was valued to be $257,500.00.
Then there is "ny/ny iii congregate supported housing program-populations i and ii", chosen using the request for proposals and started on 08/27/14. It was worth $1,146,713.00.
"Mental health services", the final of the three was worth $911,664.00. It was chosen using the request for proposals and started on 12/21/16.
As we established, Services For The Underserved, Inc. won 28 contracts from the aforementioned NYC agency.
Services For The Underserved, Inc. was also contracted by the Homeless Services. They completed 1 contract, such as:
"single room occupancy" (worth: $627,200.00).
Services For The Underserved, Inc. was awarded 6 contracts by the Dept Of Social Svcs/Human Resources Administration agency (Agency Chief Contracting Officer division).
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Health and Mental Hygiene | ||
Supported Housing | $257,500.00 | 07/19/2010 |
Ny/ny Iii Congregate Supported Housing Program-populations I And Ii | $1,146,713.00 | 08/27/2014 |
Mental Health Services | $911,664.00 | 12/21/2016 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $901,635.00 | 07/15/2015 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $1,423,512.00 | 07/27/2016 |
Ny/ny Iii Supportive Living | $2,989,119.00 | 07/11/2018 |
Supportive Housing - High Services Need Ii | $1,051,920.00 | 07/08/2011 |
Ny/ny Iii Congregate Supported Housing Program-population I | $729,938.00 | 08/27/2014 |
Correction: Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services For Adults | $3,401,158.00 | 06/25/2018 |
Hopwa | $850,000.00 | 10/20/2006 |
Hopwa | $562,500.00 | 10/24/2006 |
Mental Health Services | $1,416,126.00 | 07/27/2012 |
Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services For Adults | $3,401,158.00 | 06/18/2018 |
Hopwa Services | $657,540.00 | 07/02/2012 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $2,553,219.00 | 07/18/2017 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $308,520.00 | 09/15/2017 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $1,416,126.00 | 07/15/2015 |
Ny/ny Iii Congregate Supportive Housing | $1,685,840.00 | 05/15/2012 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $2,022,627.00 | 07/06/2017 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $893,145.00 | 07/06/2017 |
Hopwa | $328,770.00 | 07/09/2013 |
Mental Hygiene Services | $1,106,571.00 | 08/17/2017 |
Mental Health Services | $850,971.00 | 07/08/2011 |
Mental Health Services - Sro | $442,671.00 | 07/19/2011 |
Hiv Aids | $47,000.00 | 07/06/2005 |
Mental Health Services | $1,268,457.00 | 07/20/2006 |
Access Permanent And Supportive Housing For Families | $858,958.00 | 03/06/2019 |
Congregate Supportive Housing | $309,000.00 | 07/08/2011 |
Agency: Homeless Services | ||
Single Room Occupancy | $627,200.00 | 08/03/2009 |
Agency: Dept Of Social Svcs/Human Resources Administration | ||
Transitional Supportive Congregate Housing Services | $316,980.00 | 04/03/2014 |
Permanent And Transitional Supportive | $6,734,092.00 | 12/30/2010 |
Scatter Site Housing | $2,394,281.00 | 03/07/2011 |
Permanent And Transitional Supportive Congregate | $13,795,650.00 | 08/10/2011 |
Transitional Congregate Supportive Housing | $1,432,815.00 | 03/02/2011 |
Transitional Congregate Housing And Supportive Services | $8,756,765.00 | 06/18/2014 |
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