S.h. Cars Inc. is a company registered at 5812 69Th St., 1St Fl., Maspeth. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under id number 5063671 on 01/06/2017, 8 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The company uses at least 3 vehicles: the newest is from 2018 and the oldest is from 2017. Said 3 vehicles operate from 2 locations: Charge and Ride Inc, located at 41-24 38 Street Lic Ny 11101, home to 6 company cars. This black-car base can be reached by dialing (718)392-1824 or browsing chargeandride.com. Then there is Grun Llc (licensed as black-car), located at 636 West 28 Street New York Ny 10001, home to 3 company cars. This company can be reached by dialing (718)971-5628.
Type: Black-car
Address: 41-24 38 Street Lic Ny 11101
Phone: (718)392-1824
Website: chargeandride.com
Type: Black-car
Address: 636 West 28 Street New York Ny 10001
Phone: (718)971-5628
Website: www.uber.com
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