S.n.a. Construction Corp. is a company located at Suite B-R, 282 East 205Th Street, Bronx. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Bronx county, under id number 3107834 on 09/29/04, 20 years ago.
That business is, according to the official data, controlled by a director - Shohidul i Mia from Bronx.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
S. N. A. Construction Corp. is a MBE certified company. The certification is valid until 04/30/17. Established on 09/29/04, this company can be found at 282 East 205 Street, B-R,10467 Bronx. They can be contacted by phone at (718)547-3840, by fax at 718 547-9141 and using email at snacorp7@aol.com.
S. N. A. Construction Corp. completed numerous contracts, including:
a contract for The Torkian Group Llc valued at $20 000,00 that consisted of “Side Walk shade, window lintel, sill, cornish repair, fire scape paint, and thorocoat.”;
a contract for Client valued at $142 000,00 that consisted of “Sidewalk shade, parapet wall renovation, grinding-pointing, and thorocoat.”;
a contract for Client valued at $90 000,00 that consisted of “Garage renovation”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
This company is listed in the Department of Consumer Affairs database as a home improvement contractor located at 282, E 205Th St, Bronx, Ny (40° 52.446' N 73° 52.724' W). You can reach the company by calling (718)547-3840.
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